mandag den 11. august 2008

Picture this

Above: More sketches for the pub... things to be hung on the wall to warm up the overall atmosphere. I imagine the pub to have been built around 1850 or so... the story takes place in 1950... so various artifacts from different periods littler the room. The old part of the pub is mostly stone and timber. The newer section of the pub ... made during the Victorian era... reflects a slightly different more ornate style. tod

torsdag den 7. august 2008

Brewing Away in GingerLand

Above: A color key for one of the portraits hanging in the old Pub. Arthur is reacting to Paul and his silly ways.

In Production! Animation has started and looking good ... models are being textured... the pub is coming along well. In Ireland... a band is cooking up some "New pub songs" for the film... in a traditional style.