I am pleased to share with you the reels of 5 young talented animators. I worked with them over the winter in Viborg... and now they will be joining me this summer in Thailand. -should make for a great animated time. tod
Untitled from angel aguirregomozcorta on Vimeo.
showreel from jan rybka on Vimeo.
Showreel from Henrik Sønniksen on Vimeo.
Showreel-Animation from Thomas Huusmann on Vimeo.
Showreel 2009 from Benjamin Nielsen on Vimeo.
tirsdag den 28. april 2009
søndag den 22. marts 2009
Colorful confection

Above: Some of the color script for Ginger. The main focus of the color script is really making sure the characters read on the backgrounds... and making sure that there is a artistic progression in the film... making sure each sequence and place feels unique from one another... yet still tie together in some way. For Ginger I have used mostly variations of green and red... for some reason this feels Irish to me.
The color scripts start out as boards... then I fill them in with rough color passes... then eventually more finished backgrounds. This board is a combination of my, and Susanne's bgs... all based on my layout and color sketches. The more 3d looking scenes are keyed by going over frames from maya... and early render tests. For some sequences of the short, I lean the red more towards orange or yellow... and the green to blues depending on the mood. I keep the yellows and whites primarily as accent colors in all the sequences... using them to help focus the eye to specific parts of the screen. Of course I try to keep the orange of the Ginger cookie reading... depending on what's happening in the story -tod
torsdag den 19. marts 2009
Kanome cookie

Above: A small handbill made by one of the artists at "The Monk". The studio is helping promote "Escape of the Gingerbread Man!!!" at various events. Showing clips, and artwork... drumming up interest in the project. As we get closer to finishing... we hope to enter the short in the film festival circuit. - tod
tirsdag den 10. februar 2009
mandag den 9. februar 2009
Fresh baked to your door

Above: A rough design for Grannies delivery truck. I say rough because this design will be translated to work in 3D... and sometimes certain lines in the design have to change slightly in order to work. The main thing is keeping the "feeling" of the design.
Below: A sketch by Jannick Grool... In the long version of the story I had imagined Granny being a sort of heavy metal momma... dressed in black leather. Heavy Metal versions of traditional Irish folk songs would boom out of her ride. The big plow on front isn't for snow... it's to clear the sheep out of the way. Granny is one of my favorite characters in the film... but unfortunately I had to cut some of her best bits early for time sake. Hopefully someday I can make the complete long version of the story.

torsdag den 5. februar 2009
Small Bites

Uploading a few of Aarons test renders from the famous race sequence. The gag being that there wasn't enough of a budget to paint proper backgrounds, or do proper animation in this section of the film. The back story being that school children were employed. The truth is... two school children designed the animals for this sequence... Nate and Ean Moretti... but I never actually paid them. Though I will probably take them out for an ice cream, or a glass of water once I have save enough money to actually go home. Hope they like the end result. -tod
torsdag den 22. januar 2009
Brune Kager
tirsdag den 20. januar 2009

Been a while since the last post... things are moving forward however. Our pal Aaron is busy compositing in the land of the free (that's what the name "Thailand" means) . Kaywood Foos is whacking away (whatever that means) on the final shot there in Krunthep... and our man In DK... Nicolai Slothuus is helping on the atlantic side of things. Hope to have a few images from the film up soon! Here I am in my "new" old office in Viborg. The animation workshop allowed me to decorate a bit... lights, chairs... in the color scheme of the old "ship wreck inn" from that delighful short film "Escape of the Gingerbread Man!!!" Now if only I could find a leather wing back chair. -tod
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