Above: Some of the color script for Ginger. The main focus of the color script is really making sure the characters read on the backgrounds... and making sure that there is a artistic progression in the film... making sure each sequence and place feels unique from one another... yet still tie together in some way. For Ginger I have used mostly variations of green and red... for some reason this feels Irish to me.
The color scripts start out as boards... then I fill them in with rough color passes... then eventually more finished backgrounds. This board is a combination of my, and Susanne's bgs... all based on my layout and color sketches. The more 3d looking scenes are keyed by going over frames from maya... and early render tests. For some sequences of the short, I lean the red more towards orange or yellow... and the green to blues depending on the mood. I keep the yellows and whites primarily as accent colors in all the sequences... using them to help focus the eye to specific parts of the screen. Of course I try to keep the orange of the Ginger cookie reading... depending on what's happening in the story -tod